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Imposter Syndrome Part I

Today, I am not feeling great. I am finishing my Ph.D. in Environmental ecology, I love my job I must admit it! But doing a high qualification is a very time-consuming and mentally demanding activity. I have always been happy about my life choice and often like talking about how cool and rewarding my job is; however, when the doors are closed, sometimes I PANIC. Usually feel I am not good enough, or that my research level isn't as great as people's expectations on me, and that is very stressful. I often feel confident about my skills, however, I'm also guilty at comparing my achievements to others and feel frustrated at not meeting society or my supervisory team's expectations.  "An ideal Ph.D. researcher would have published a scientific paper per year of study " I heard that the other day while walking by the uni halls, " Oh! how great my Ph.D. student is! he just published his 4th paper and he is still a year left to finish " ... that day I

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